Tuesday, March 27, 2012


(sorry if my english is bad. I hope you understand)

Halloo !!
I write this post at midnight. After I go back from Cinema21.
I really love this movie !! I never love Indonesian cinema before, even I lived at Indonesia. 
But, this movie is steal My heart.
At 7 pm, I fight with My boyfriend, because he told me to watch this movie, and I said..
"What ? Indonesian movie ? Hell !! I wont watch that ! "
And then with mad face we going to cinema and watch indonesian movie -_-
Hahaha. Mad face huh ? So I'm to lazy to make up too..
Only use bb cream, wear upperlashes, mascara, and Lipstick lol.
No powder, No shading, and My hairr uhhhh sooo horrible !!

Oke. enough !!


Now we talk about the movie.
 In Indonesian translate mean "SERANGAN MAUT"

*This is THE RAIDs poster.
If you going to cinema, you will see a poster like this.

*This is some picture about the movie.

"Rama, a member of a special forces team, arrives at a rundown apartment block with a mission to remove its owner, a notorious drug lord. The building has become a sanctuary to killers, gangs, rapists and thieves seeking accommodation in the one place they know they cannot be touched by the police. When a spotter blows their cover, Rama and his team must fight their way through every floor and every room not just to complete their mission but to survive their bloody ordeal."


My opinion...
At first, I want to say if I'm really proud with this movie.
The sound effects and graphics design very good.


This movie is Full of actionFull of crime. A brutal murder. Full of blood.
You can see blood in everywhere. I really love a movie like that  (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
You can see so many weapon in here, They used a Knife, CleaverSniper, AK 47, Handgun, Assault riffle/machine gun ??
Ohhhh this movie make people screaming so loud and sometimes laughing !!
And I forget to eat My popcorn ¬_¬
I think if you watch this movie, you only want to see "action" not a "story". Because so boring. Only in one place...

Soundtrack creator :
By Mike shinoda (LINKIN PARK) and Joe trapanese (Movie : TRON LEGACY)
When I saw, Linkin park fanpage status said,

Linkin Park shared a link.
"The Raid: Redemption" opens today in Chicago, LA, New York, Washington DC, and San Francisco. Reserve your tickets now and find out when it's coming to a city near you at http://www.sonyclassics.com/theraid/dates.html. The score & soundtrack by Mike Shinoda is also available now at http://theraidsoundtrack.com/.
Mike shinoda said "full Action and very inspiring to create a song"

Interested in a number of foreign media such as :

  • √ The Los Angeles Times.

    • √ Hollywood.com.

    • √ The New York Post.

Directed by Gareth Huw Evans Produced by Ario SagantoroWritten by Gareth Huw Evans Starring Iko Uwais, Pierre Gruno, Ray Sahetapy, Joe Taslim, Tegar Satria, Verdi Solaiman, Ananda George, Eka Rahmadia, Donny Alamsyah, Yayan Ruhian, R Iman AjiMusic by Aria Prayogi, Fajar Yuskemal Cinematography Matt Flannery Editing by Gareth Huw Evans Studio Merantau Films/XYZ Films Running time 100 minutes Country Indonesia LanguageIndonesian


  1. your lazy make up at list you still apply bb cream and all that, my lazy make up i will not apply anything else even tone or serum :p

  2. Haha, don't sleep late every night, well, girl need beauty sleep. Thanks for sharing the movie.

    Latest Post: I'm ready to scarify to be a Toy

    1. ^^ Because From cinema at 11.30 pm
      before My inspiration missing, i have to write down that :D
      Hehehhe.. thankss for reading and comment sis ^^
      Don't forget to watch the movie ^____^

  3. keren bener itu film buatan Indonesia yah *w*

    1. iaaaa banget >.<
      Masuk red carpet juga huaaa bangga bok >.<

  4. LOL. even your make up not 100% i think you r cute >.<
    I love your eyes XD

    I'm already put this movie at My list :)
    Thankyou for sharing girl :D

    1. Hy jenice >.<
      Thankyouuu for comment :D

      Hope you enjoy this movie ^^

  5. Ini sih untuk sekelas film Indonesia udah bisa dibilang Excelent,,
    Oya, mau nanya judul Sound tracknya apa ya?
    Buat yang suka musik gothic bisa download di sini,

    1. Haloo.. Makasih uda visit and comment :)

      Judul nya "Razors.Out”
      Mike Shinoda & Joe Trapanese feat. Chino Moreno

      Coba klik ke link ini >>> http://rcrdlbl.com/2012/03/23/exclusive_stream_the_raid_redemption_soundtrack_razors_out_feat_chino_moreno_


    2. Yups U're welcome,,
      Waktu liat trailernya gw gak nyangka ne film Indonesia, sumpah salut gw,,
      That's real movie for Indonesian movers, LoL

  6. I know how you feel about that lol. I'm Filipino (currently living in the US) and I usually don't like watching Filipino Movies. Seems like a good movie, I'll watch The Raid if I get a hold of it. :)

    1. Hahhaha lol >.<

      Okayy~ I hope you enjoy this movie ^^
      THankss for comment (ʃƪ˘˘ﻬ)

  7. kek gt mah bukan lazy. gw k mall aja kaga ngapa"in lgsg tancep.

    1. ia. ini mah masalah nya di mall.. kalo kusut" and kusam" di liat" orang lebih malas lagi >.<
      Bdw, ini juga aja lom mandi kwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkw.. cuma mandi pagi hari aja.. :p

    2. Apalagi kalo mall elit.. gimana coba ga makeup ? jadi bahan gosip sama cewe" wkakwkwkw..~~
